Works Cited
Connolly, Paul. Racism, Gender Identities And Young Children : Social Relations In A Multi- Ethnic, Inner-City Primary School. Routledge, 2002. EBSCOhost eBook Collection. Web. 13 Nov. 2012.
In this book they outline several situations that might arise in a multi-cultural school, they talk about different students and the dynamic situations that they may come to face. It is an interesting way to write, as well as a great way to get a view from many different perspectives. The school system is an understudied frontier of where the melting pot of American society really comes together. Looking at the conflicts that arise from these smaller systems might be able to tell us what it would entail on a global level.
Jordan-Young, Rebecca M. Brainstorm: The Flaws in the Science of Sex Differences. Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press. 2010. Print
Jordan- Young has made leaps and bounds in this field, after intense research and rigorous analysis of others and her own work. She is paving the way to the realization the there is in fact scientific results pointing towards proof that people can be born gay and born straight. There is biological facts that lead to several characteristics of men and women, and what makes them that way. So does this prove or disprove the possibility of ambiguity in a relationship? What hormones would need to be changed to reverse the gender roles.
Kuzminyh, A. A., and S. N. Enikolopov. "Prevailing Perceptions Of Masculine And Feminine Aggression" Psychological Science & Education 5 (2011): 70-80. Academic Search Complete. Web. 13 Nov. 2012.
This has a lot of statistical facts, I will look at the effects of these statistics if they were to be true for the opposite gender. It will give me a solid base to lay out the rest of my paper on, I need to understand in detail how the gender roles work now before I am able to accurately predict how they would change in a world that would be so drastically different. This will give readers more belief that I actually know what I am talking about and won't be distracted by unsurity.
Stets, Jan E. and Peter J. Burke "Femininity/Masculinity" Washington State University. Department of Sociology. Web. 13 Nov. 2012.
This is a study on the topic of femininity and masculinity completed by very knowledgeable people in the Sociology Department of WSU. They explore the topic in depth with several of there own great points that give the topic direction. They are not looking at the topic in the same way i am, but in several ways that is better because I will be able to get a solid look at the situation from another perspective. I can use some of their conclusions and theories to help build my own of the world where the gender roles are reversed.
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